Battlefleet 1900: New 1:2400 ships

Frequent visitors to the blog (from before my sabbatical) may recall the Battlefleet 1900 games we played, re-enacting some battles from the Russo-Japanese War.  Well, while at Partizan this year I saw some excellent 1:2400 ships on the Tumbling Dice stand.  Spying an opportunity to snatch up some excellent models at a bargain price, I bought the £40 starter pack.  This doesn't supplant the 1:3000 WTJ models I already have, but rather allows for some new modelling opportunities and will be used to enact smaller ship-to-ship engagements rather than the fleet actions of the smaller-scale ships.

These were really easy to paint, one of those models that are so well-sculpted that some judicious base layering followed by some simple washes does most of the work for you.  I'm doing a battle on Saturday so I'll try and get some photos of that up for you then.

Let me know what you think!



  1. Nice. I'm sure I saw a man overboard there somewhere.

    1. Haha yes, well they're a bit easier to spot at this scale at least

  2. They look absolutely terrific. Well done on the bases, and a steady hand to do the lettering of the ships' names - fantastic! Looking forward to the bat rep.

    1. Thanks Mike! Yes, I've got into practice doing that lettering now so I love any excuse to try it out. Just makes them seem more real if you know their names, and less intrusive than the tab markers I had on the 1:3000 ones.

  3. very well done Col. The waves effect especially are super well done.

    Like Mike said, the lettering shows a far steadier hand than mine! jealous!

    1. Thank you! They were done using that magic all-purpose modelling ingredient of No More Nails, with some judicious drybrushing thrown in.

      Too kind of you - it's an odd skill I've developed, but I do like to add it to models like this that are almost semi-display pieces.


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